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CEO Joel D. Corcoran Featured on PBS Broadcast During Mental Health Month
May 2, 2023

The eighth season of Healthy Minds with Dr. Jeffrey Borenstein debuts nationally during Mental Health Awareness Month in May, and will feature Clubhouse International Executive Director and CEO, Joel D. Corcoran. Watch the video below!

This new season of Healthy Minds includes 13 new half-hour episodes, featuring inspiring personal stories of people living with mental illness and experts who share insightful information on a variety of topics in mental health, including new approaches to mental health care.

Mr. Corcoran speaks with Dr. Borenstein about the work of Clubhouse International providing accessible recovery opportunities for people living with mental illness around the world by integrating the Clubhouse Model into community-based systems of care. The episode explores the unique strengths of the Clubhouse Model which is designed to give people living with mental illness what they need beyond medication and therapy: help securing jobs, education, housing, a safe space to find community, and more; and a place where they can also give back to help others. 

“Today there is increased openness to discussing mental health, however stigma and misunderstanding remain prevalent and still often keep people from seeking help for themselves or their loved ones,” says Jeffrey Borenstein, M.D., President and CEO of the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation. Dr. Borenstein, who developed the series and serves as its host and executive producer, adds, “Healthy Minds inspires conversations about mental illness, provides understandable information and resources for viewers, and demonstrates that with help, there is hope.”

Clubhouse International is pleased to be featured alongside other leading mental health organizations, such as National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), the Headstrong Project and American Foundation for Suicide Prevention; and leaders such as, Kay Redfield Jamison, Ph.D.

Click here to view our press release.

Click here to listen on PBS.org, or check if it is being broadcast on your local public TV station by clicking here.

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