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Clubhouse France chosen as recipient of LA FRANCE S’ENGAGE foundation
July 7, 2015

Clubhouse France is one of the 30 charities selected in 2015, out of thousands of applicants, as a recipient of LA FRANCE S’ENGAGE foundation, a program created by President François Hollande to encourage social initiatives benefitting society in France. The strategic support and a very substantial donation over 3 years is going towards the start-up of 2 new Clubhouses in France by year-end 2017. This is a wonderful validation of Clubhouse Paris and its achievement since its opening 4 years ago.

Join us in congratulating Philippe Charrier, President, Céline Aimetti, Délégué générale, Jean-Philippe-Cavroy, Clubhouse Director, the Board of Directors and all of the members, staff and supporters of Clubhouse France. Bravo! More info (in French): http://www.clubhousefrance.org

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