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Nicholas Ratut
Immediate Past Chair

Nicholas Ratut joined the Board of Clubhouse International in 2007 and served as Chair from 2017 to 2021. He was instrumental in the creation of Clubhouse France in 2011 which today counts 5 Clubhouses. Nicholas is passionate about developing the Clubhouse model in the US and worldwide having seen firsthand the huge benefits generated for the members.

Born in the UK, having lived in France and now the US, transacting business across all continents, Nicholas has a multi-cultural global perspective and approach. He is a recognized international expert in the marketing and distribution of prestige beauty products. He owns and runs his company specialized in the internationalization and expansion of American beauty brands seeking to expand globally and in enabling international brands to enter the highly competitive US market.

Nicholas lives between Manhattan and Litchfield, Connecticut with his wife Kristina Kossi, an acclaimed sculptor. He travels extensively for business and leisure but always fits in time to visit a Clubhouse in one of the 33 countries worldwide.

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