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Our Mission and History - Clubhouse International

Visiting Side by Side Brain Injury Clubhouse, Georgia USA

Our Vision for Social and Economic Inclusion

Our Vision:
A world where people with mental illness recover and are an integral part of society.

Our Mission:
Ending social and economic isolation for people with mental illness by growing the number and quality of Clubhouse rehabilitation programs worldwide.

Our History:
Established in 1994, our roots go back to Fountain House, the first Clubhouse, founded in 1948.



Clubhouse International celebrates 30 years of changing the world of mental health.


Clubhouse International receives the Honorary Pardes Humanitarian Prize in Mental Health awarded by The Brain and Behavior Research Foundation.


Clubhouse International was deeply honored to receive the Special Presidential Commendation Award at the American Psychiatric Association (APA) 2021 Annual Meeting.


The Hilton Prize Coalition’s Global Impact program awarded us two fellowships, for the training and coaching of new Clubhouse start-up groups in Rwanda and Mongolia.


The Clubhouse model is included in SAMHSA's National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs & Practices


The International Standards for Clubhouse Programs are created as the basis for Clubhouse Accreditation


National Clubhouse Expansion Project begins


The first Clubhouse, Fountain House, opens in New York


Clubhouse International is a growing organization, helping communities across 32 countries find cost-effective and sustainable solutions for mental illness.


World Health Organization (WHO) launches Guidance on community mental health services: Promoting person-centered and rights-based approaches. The Clubhouse Model of psychosocial rehabilitation is identified as an example of a rights-based, recovery-focused approach.


Clubhouse International celebrates 25 years of changing the world of mental health.


Clubhouse International and Fountain House are awarded the Hilton Humanitarian Prize


Clubhouse International is established to serve as a global resource for the international Clubhouse community


The Faculty for Clubhouse Development is established to train and mentor new and existing Clubhouses


Fountain House establishes a national training program for the Clubhouse Model
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