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Articles Library

We have assembled a unique archive of over 1,000 documents from the growing body of articles, presentations and research on mental illness and the Clubhouse Model.

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Search Results

Ruas, D. (2004) Having an address: The importance of Clubhouse housing The Clubhouse Community Journal, 5, 22-24.
McKay, C.E. & Pelletier, J.R. (2007) Health Promotion in Clubhouse Programs: Needs, Barriers, and Current and Planned Activities Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 31(2), 155-159
Available: Link to article
(2013) Help, faith lead Steven Manning back from the depths of severe depression The News-Sentinel
Available: Link to article
Friman-Reinikka, M. (2016) Helsinki Clubhouse Support Study Programs: Impact on the Society
Available: Link to article
Hietala, O., Valjakka, S., & Martikka, N. (2000) Here you work for yourself. Clubhouses and member houses as new alternatives in rehabilitation and employment. Rehabilitation Foundation: Helsinki, Finland
Furches, M. (2000) Hiring, Firing, and Evaluating Staff Presented at the Midwest Region Clubhouse Conference, Wichita, KS.
Jordan, W. B. & Selwyn, P. A (2008) HIV Prevention in the Clubhouse Psychiatric Services, 59, 933
Available: Link to article
McCulloch, A. (2009) Hope is on the horizon for mental health The Guardian
Allen, N., Swiller, A., & Selz-Campbell, L. (2005) Hospitalization Research Undertaken at Threshold Clubhouse, June 2002.
(2013) House of Healing for Mental Health in Hawaii Honolulu Magazine
Available: Link to article
How Can We Do More To Help Members Move Into Full-Time Independent Employment?
Available: Link to article
Moskowitz, A. (1995) How Do We Help? Approaches to Substance Abuse in the Clubhouse. 1-11 Presented at the 8thInternational Seminar on the Clubhouse Model, Salt Lake City, UT.
Limone, C. (2007) How is leadership understood in the clubhouse model of psychiatric rehabilitation? Dissertation
Tsoi, E., Lo, I., Chan, C., Siu, K., & Tse, S. (2014) How recovery oriented are mental health services in Hong Kong? Snapshots of service users' perspectives. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 24, 82-93.
Available: Link to article
Jackson, R. (1992) How Work Works Psychosocial Rehabilitation Journal 16(2), 63-67
Pardi, J., Willis, M. How Young Adults in London Experience the Clubhouse Model of Mental Health Recovery: A Thematic Analysis. Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Mental Health, 5(2), 169-182. (2018)
Available: Link to article
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