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New Clubhouse Granite Pathways: One bright light in NH Mental Health Reform
March 13, 2013

Concord Monitor – March 13, 2013

Summary:  According to a recent article in the Concord Monitor, new funding for mental health reform in New Hampshire is still unresolved. Governor Hassan has proposed to add $28 million in mental health care funding, but it is unclear whether the proposal will be passed. Although the Governor’s proposed budget covers “peer support services”, New Hampshire’s first Clubhouse for people living with mental illness, Granite Pathways, is not included in the peer support budget. This situation points out the challenges faced by many Clubhouses. Pam Brown, founder of Granite Pathways, worked with 5 other families 3 years ago to start the Clubhouse when she couldn’t find help for her son to restart his life after a diagnosis of psychosis. Today, about 60 people use the Clubhouse regularly, and there is a waiting list. With public funding, the group could move to a better space and continue to grow at a faster pace. However, Brown and the others at Granite Pathways are not waiting for the state to help, despite the challenges. They know the effectiveness of the Clubhouse model and continue to operate every day.

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