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World Seminar 2017 Welcomed 151 Clubhouses from 16 Countries
September 23, 2017

The Clubhouse International World Seminar welcomed over 700 attendees from 151 Clubhouses across 16 countries, from Argentina, Australia, Canada, Europe, Japan, Korea, Europe and the US, who all joined together in Detroit Michigan on September 23-28, 2017.

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Clubhouse International is partnering with Clubhouse Michigan to provide an extraordinary learning opportunity for anyone interested in the Clubhouse Model and innovative strategies in mental health services. Click here to view and download the Seminar Brochure!

World Seminar 2017 offered an exciting and inspiring array of learning opportunities about developing and sustaining an Accredited Clubhouse. Plenary sessions, interactive workshops, and content rich institutes will provide a compelling forum for the exchange of information and ideas of interest to new and veteran Clubhouses, and others who are interested in our work. Topical agenda included:

  • Emerging Clubhouse best practices in Young Adult programming, Employment, Education, Housing
  • Core Clubhouse practices related to the International Standards for Clubhouse Programs
  • Numerous other areas of interest such as: Research, Board development, Fundraising, Reach out, Developing community partnerships and alliances, Supervision, Accreditation, Training
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